understanding augmentative and alternative communication

8 September, 2024

Understanding Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Debunking Myths

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) encompasses a variety of methods and tools used to help individuals with communication difficulties express themselves. AAC can range from simple, non-technical strategies like gestures and picture boards to high-tech solutions like speech-generating devices (SGDs) and communication apps.

AAC is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, supporting their ability to communicate effectively and participate fully in their daily lives.


Types of AAC

Unaided AAC: This involves non-verbal communication methods that do not require external tools. Examples include gestures, facial expressions, body language, and sign language.

Aided AAC: This includes the use of external devices or tools. Aided AAC can be categorised into:

Low-tech AAC: Tools that do not require batteries or electricity, such as picture boards, communication books, and letter boards.

High-tech AAC: Electronic devices that produce speech or written output, such as speech-generating devices (SGDs), tablets with communication apps, and specialised software.

Benefits of AAC

AAC can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with communication challenges by:

Enhancing communication:

AAC provides alternative ways to express needs, thoughts, and emotions, enabling individuals to communicate more effectively.

Promoting independence: With AAC, individuals can communicate without relying solely on others to interpret their needs.

Supporting learning and development: AAC can facilitate language development, social interaction, and academic achievement.

Reducing frustration: By providing reliable communication methods, AAC can decrease frustration and behavioural challenges related to communication barriers.


At daar, our certified and experienced speech therapists are dedicated to helping children reach their full communication potential. If you would like to learn more about whether AAC is suitable for your child, don’t hesitate to reach out. For more information or to schedule an assessment, please contact us at daar (Canterbury) on (02) 9133 2500.

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